Texas Rangers and Bobby Jones

Monday Inspiration: Texas Rangers and Bobby Jones

I had the privilege of attending the Texas Ranger game Saturday night, where they won the American League Championship Series. For the second time in two years they’ll be travelling to the World Series.

If you live in Texas, you grow up knowing that Nolan Ryan, part owner of the team and baseball legend, is a hero. We even include essays about him in our school textbooks. Ron Washington, team manager, is a character and has done amazing things with this group of men. He’s also taught us a thing or two about grace and forgiveness.

The team is filled with examples of stand-up guys whose lives are living testimonies–like Josh Hamilton.

But before we went to Saturday’s game, my husband had me read an article on Bobby Jones. Manager of our Triple-A team, The Round Rock Express, Bobby has had a hand in directing the growth of many of the Texas Ranger players for the last 24 years, and he played ball himself for 20 years before that. It was a baseball career that was interrupted by 14 months in an infantry brigade artillery unit in Vietnam.

Bobby Jones is a patriot. He’s also a role model for the players who now comprise a championship team. And Nolan Ryan recognizes the importance of keeping men like Bobby around … after all it takes an entire village to raise a team. It takes an entire village to create champions.

After suffering permanent hearing loss, and after losing many of his friends overseas, Bobby came back with a perspective that he’s never lost.

“This is a game,” he says. “It’s not life or death. You play hard, do the best you can and, if you don’t win, that’s all right. As long as you’re giving an honest effort. That’s how I look at life now.”

It’s no wonder he has 1500 career managerial victories. It’s no wonder these young men love and admire him … something I find inspirational.

“Love him,” says Esteban German, who has played four seasons under Jones. “He never gets frustrated, he never changes. He’s always the same guy, and he’s always positive. There are so many ups and downs in a season, but he’s always the same. He motivates.”

I’ll be watching The Rangers play next week. I know Bobby Jones will be on the sidelines. Technically he doesn’t have to be there, Round Rock’s season is over. But we’ll see him. The guys count on him, and he’d never let them down.


P.S. – I’ll announce the winner of the contest tonight — I’ll add it as a COMMENT to this post. I downloaded a program called THE HAT. I enter your names in, hit the button, and THE HAT pulls one out. EASY! Good luck to everyone. We’ll have a new contest later this week, so check back.

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9 thoughts on “Texas Rangers and Bobby Jones

  1. Geri Kelley October 17, 2011 at 11:30 am

    Congratulations to Texas….game well played and continued Good Luck!!
    Geri Kelley


    • vannettachapman October 17, 2011 at 10:47 pm

      Thanks, Geri. We are proud of them, regardless of how the next few games turn out. : )

  2. Lena Nelson Dooley October 17, 2011 at 7:05 pm

    Josh Hamilton is a member of our church. James and I started following the Rangers after we heard his testimony.

    • vannettachapman October 17, 2011 at 10:49 pm

      Lena, I remember you telling me this before. When folks ask me what book I’ve read lately that had a major influence on me, I often tell them Josh Hamilton’s Beyond Belief. He is very much a Godly example and someone I’m proud of have in my state and playing for our team. Thanks for stopping by the blog.

  3. vannettachapman October 17, 2011 at 10:57 pm

    WE HAVE A WINNER from last week’s contest. The HAT (a program I downloaded which arbitrarily draws names) chose Regina Robertson! Congratulations to Regina. Thank you to everyone for entering. I will have another contest very soon. I’m waiting on the UPS man to bring me something special, which should be here–today. Stay tuned …

  4. Julie Bee Lippo October 18, 2011 at 12:09 am

    Congrats regina robertson

    • vannettachapman October 18, 2011 at 12:36 am

      Yup. And everyone get ready for round 3. This is fun for me. : )

  5. Bonnie Johnson October 18, 2011 at 12:21 am

    I am facing a family tragedy and everyday I am enlightened by your posts. I loved the story about Bobby Jones. Faith and forgiveness is what we are striving for right now in our family. Thank you for the daily inspiration!! God bless you

    • vannettachapman October 18, 2011 at 12:38 am

      Bonnie, I”m sorry you’re going through a difficult time right now. We’ll pray with you that God will guide you and strengthen you. I’m glad the blog is a help. Please know that you’re not alone and that we’re a community of believers, even when we’re tied together by something like blogging, or quilting, or books! Hugs,

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