Daily Archives: August 11, 2010


Oh my.

Writer talk. Hmmm. “The talk” is all about ABA (American Bookseller’s Association) and CBA (Christian Bookseller’s Association).  Can you cross over from one list to the other? Can you write for both lists at the same time? Etc. etc.  Insert SIGH from yours truly.

I’m a simple person. I go into a bookstore or a library, and I just want a good read, something that’s clean, not offensive, and that comes from my PLACE (I don’t mean Texas).

I like to read about different settings, different time periods, different situations – – in fact, I like to READ. That’s why I write. ABA or CBA. Sigh.

On my Wednesday’s blog, I like to highlight another author that I’ve been reading or that has won an award recently. This week I’d like to highlight someone who won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the RWA convention last week . . . Debbie Macomber. What an amazing lady.

I had heard Debbie tell her personal testimony before, and it is inspiring. After she received the award on Saturday night, I immediately downloaded “Hannah’s List” on my kindle, and read it on the way home. It’s a sweet, sweet story. I’m not sure if it would be CBA or ABA. I haven’t checked the lists.

I do know that she’s a wonderful person, who writes great stories, that bring hope to a lot of people. I’ll let you decide what category to put it in.

