Daily Archives: September 4, 2010

Amish Lifestyles

Happy Labor Day weekend. I’ve been looking forward to this one–the school year started back up two weeks ago here in Texas. The first few weeks are usually the toughest. Labor Day comes at a perfect time for teachers (and probably students as well). Which started me wondering if the Amish take Labor Day off.

So I consulted my notes (nothing there). Then I consulted my research  books (nothing there, though this book has been quite handy. Several new friends in Shipshewana–Amish and Englisch–recommended it to me).

I supposed I’ll have to rely on my common sense to answer this question! If you work on a farm, like many of the Amish still do, I imagine your Labor day weekend will be much like any other. My grandparents on my mother’s side were sharecroppers, and they didn’t observe many of the “holidays” we have, mainly because much of the work on a farm simply won’t wait! Of course we didn’t have as many holidays in their day.

Now I live in a small Texas community, and many of my students live on farms/ranches. They will still have the same chores over this 3 day weekend. So I suppose I’ve answered my question – – lots of people will be working, same as I’m writing this blog!

I also learned while in Shipshe that quite a few of the young Amish young men had taken jobs at the RV factories, building custom cabinetry and earning $40/hour. Now they might have Monday off, but if they do, I suspect they’ll be helping around a relative’s farm.

The more I learn about the Amish, the more I find their life resembles mine in many ways. Life is full of work, right? That’s not always a bad thing though. Most of the time, we’re grateful for the work to do – and harvest time is a good time. I certainly hope September in Ohio and Pennsylvania and Indiana finds my Amish freinden well. Looks like we’re going to have an absolutely beautiful fall here in Texas. Temps have officially dropped below 100, and I am thankful to the Lord for that.

Happy Labor Day, ya’ll.

