Daily Archives: September 8, 2010

Women of Faith

Wednesday’s Spotlight: Women of Faith Devotional Bible

A Bible is a very personal thing, and I know most people are attached to theirs. This week I wanted to SPOTLIGHT the Women of Faith Devotional Bible, because I very much appreciate mine!

The version I have is extremely “user-friendly” – aren’t all Bibles? – and it has several personal testimony pages sprinkled throughout.

So what nudged me to highlight my BIBLE this week? I’m so glad you asked. I was sitting in Sunday service, and our preacher happened to be teaching on Peter. Acts 2:14. “Then Peter stood up . . .” 

What a testimony! Peter stood up with the Eleven. Yes, THAT Peter. The same guy who walked on water with Jesus, who sat at the Last Super, who defended Jesus, and then denied Him. You remember Peter. But maybe what matters is that in the end “Then Peter stood up.” I was so struck by those four words that I’m not sure I heard another word my pastor said (sorry George).

Normally on Wednesdays I spotlight inspirational books, but it occurred to me that Peter’s story was as inspirational as they come! How much courage did that take? Or did it take any at all? Perhaps it was as natural as walking to the town well for a bucket of water. Perhaps he was so filled with the Spirit of God by that point that he couldn’t stay seated.

“Then Peter stood up.” Now THERE is inspiration, and I found it in my little Women of Faith Bible. Regardless of your version, I’m betting it’s in yours as well.

