Daily Archives: September 15, 2010

The Big 5-OH!

Wednesday’s Spotlight: The Big 5-OH!

I wanted to highlight Sandra Bricker’s book this week for a couple of very important reasons. (NOT because I’ll be reaching the big 50 in a few years myself. We’re not even going to talk about that. Nope.)

1) I’m very excited about reading this book, and yes – I just downloaded it to read on my trip to the ACFW Conference.

2) It sounds like such a fun, humorous read. I think we can all use a bit of humor in our lives. In fact, last year I decided to actively seek humor – if there’s a television show I find particularly funny, I dvr it. A cartoon I love? I clip it. And a novel that is highly recommended for its light tone? You can bet I’m going to read it.

3) It’s a free download on Amazon Kindle, but today is the last day! Now Sandra’s book is totally worth the cost; however, I wanted to pass along that Abingdon is offering this great deal. If you don’t have a Kindle, don’t worry. You can download it to your iPad or your pc! Haven’t read a book on your pc before? Give it a try. If nothing else, you can read the first few chapters, decide you love it, THEN order the book!

I plan to read Sandra’s previous release, Always the Baker Never the Bride as well. Reading relaxes me, and even though I’m busy, busy–I always find a few minutes in between things. It’s a bit of a reward for completing tasks or working hard all day. When I can read and laugh, that’s just an extra pleasure.

