Amish Authors

That title can be a bit misleading, because AUTHORS of Amish books aren’t usually AMISH, right? I recently attended the ACFW conference, where Cindy Woodsmall suggested that all the Amish Authors meet up and have a gab-fest. Most of us had not met in person before.

It was a fun group (and no, we did not wear bonnets). Can you picture Beth Wiseman in a bonnet? Of course not. She’s a Texas girl, like myself. We had authors who have many Amish books out –  Gayle Roper, Marta Perry, and Shelley Shepard Gray. And we had authors who have recently contracted Amish books, like Kelly Irvin and Leanna Ellis.  (There were other Amish authors IN the building who couldn’t make it – like Jerry Eicher and Barbara Cameron.)

There was a lot of talent gathered in that room, but more than that there was a sweet, sweet spirit. As I listened to each person describe how they’d come to write stories centered around the Amish community I was struck by how God can use a person and use their gifts in a way that sometimes you’d never imagine.

Take me for example. I’d never met an Amish person 18 months ago–certainly there are no large Amish communities in Texas. Now I count many Amish folk as my friends, and I’ve discovered it’s possible I have Amish ancestors. How could I not have known that? How could that part of my history have been lost? And how is it that my love for writing allowed me to regain something precious that I didn’t even know I was missing?

It’s a God-thing. All of us have parts of our lives that are God-things. Not just writers – – – everyone does.

Sitting in a hotel room in Indianapolis, I discovered I had quite a few friends and that we shared something special – – not just a love for telling stories, but a love for telling AMISH stories. I didn’t know that about myself 18 months ago.

I wonder what God will show me in the next 18 months.


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6 thoughts on “Amish Authors

  1. Teresa September 26, 2010 at 10:30 pm

    Here is southern Ohio we are surrounded by Amish and Mennonite communities and growing every day. Yet I’ve never felt drawn to write an Amish novel. Then you are in TX with little contact, and God has given you those stories. Isn’t he amazing. All the best and enjoyed meeting you in Indy.

  2. Vannetta Chapman September 26, 2010 at 11:00 pm

    Sometimes you’re led to write about what you’re NOT in contact with every day. Perhaps it gives you a new perspective. Good luck in your writing, Teresa! Maybe I’ll see a Texas novel from you. : )

  3. Kelly Irvin September 28, 2010 at 2:04 am

    You’re so right, Vanetta. I loved getting together with other writers with the same calling. I felt a sense of support and camraderie (I’m sure that’s not quite how you spell that!). And it was fun! God does like to surprise us, doesn’t He?

    • vannettachapman September 28, 2010 at 2:07 am

      EXACTLY, Kelly. Now we just need to find a way to do it more than once a year. : )

  4. Cecelia Dowdy September 29, 2010 at 10:18 am

    Congrats on the second printing, Vanetta!

    • vannettachapman September 29, 2010 at 10:58 am

      Thank you, Cecelia. I’m thrilled and very grateful to the folks at Abingdon for helping me produce such a great book. : )

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