When the Devil Whistles

Wednesday’s Spotlight: When the Devil Whistles

This week’s highlight is Rick Acker’s book, When The Devil Whistles. I’m going to be honest. This is a book I would normally pass over, just based on the title (sorry, Rick). I know that’s awful. The title is just not my cup of tea. But after reading the description, I actually find it quite interesting.

Here’s the blurb from Amazon.

Allie Whitman is a professional whistleblower with a knack for sniffing out fraud in government contracts. Conner Norman is a gifted litigator and together they form Devil to Pay, Inc., a shell corporation that files lawsuits based on Allie s investigations. They soon find themselves fighting potentially fatal battles in and out of the courtroom, going great lengths to protect secrets that could ruin them both.

Now what is even more fascinating about this is Rick’s credentials, which you can read about here. Yup. Rick is a Deputy Attorney General. Cool, right? I learned this firsthand recently at the ACFW conference. Rick led our tour to the Federal District Court building in Indianapolis. It helped to have an expert in our group!

Rick’s book is sure to be  a winner, and I’m adding it to my TO BE READ pile. Just goes to show, you can’t judge a book by its title. Best to get to know the author a bit.



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2 thoughts on “When the Devil Whistles

  1. Rick Acker October 10, 2010 at 1:28 am

    Thanks, Vannetta! I’m glad we got a chance to meet at ACFW. And I hope you enjoy my book–the title has a little more “shock value” than the actual story. 🙂

  2. vannettachapman October 11, 2010 at 1:07 pm

    Hey, Rick. Thank for stopping by. I was explaining to my husband this weekend why I think your book would be such a good read, in spite of my initial response to the title. Just goes to show that sometimes you need to look at a book TWICE!

    As far as my strange responses, I watched a movie with my sister when I first moved out on my own, and it was about the devil. Darned thing scared me so much I had to sleep with the lights on for weeks. I didn’t understand then that I was blessed with a writer’s imagination. : )

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